Since 1965, our mission is to provide quality and prompt service to our customers while maintaining a family environment. We are proud to serve the greater Alexandria community. We thank you for your business. We are your one-stop place for drycleaning, laundry, alterations and shoe repair.
Same Day Cleaning on Weekdays**
Need to drop off your clothes and pick them up on the same day? Drop off your clothes by 10AM and pick them up by 4PM (Monday thru Friday only).
**Same day shirts are only available on Wednesdays and Fridays at this time.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8am-6pm, Saturday: 8am-5pm
Closed Sunday
*Dutch Girl will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 25, 2021*
4474 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 578-0070
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 578-0070